Eating disorder

4 Types of Eating Disorders You Need to Be Aware Of

Eating is a simple process for most people. A lot of them follow a daily routine that allows them to consume as much as they need to keep healthy energy. Some people often restrict themselves to diet to maintain a good shape. However, some are eating or not eating enough to the point where they have disorders.

The condition will affect your mindset and your body drastically, especially if you leave it unchecked. If you notice that there is something wrong with the way you eat, you might be suffering from an eating disorder. Here are the most common types you need to be aware of when it comes to the condition:

Binge Eating

Eating is a necessity as much as it is a pleasure. Some people believe that it can be a reward when they accomplish something. However, a lot of us consume more than what we need for a day. You might also notice that people resort to eating when stressed. Binge eating is normal for most people. You might start to gain an unhealthy amount of weight if you have this condition.

Fortunately, you can determine the things that cause you stress. You should consider finding new ways for you to let the tension out to avoid resorting to food. You will find it difficult at the start, but you will be able to take overeating away from your habits and turn to a healthier lifestyle.


woman with no apetite

You might be thinking that you are overweight, but your body will tell you that it’s not. Unfortunately, some people believe that a few pounds gained will make them look fat. There are also a few who feel that they are overweight even if they are already underweight for their size.

Anorexia is common for those who need to restrict themselves from eating because they do not want to feel insecure about their body shapes. Some people might direct it to low self-esteem or past traumas. Anorexic people often have trouble eating in public, but they might also be thinking about food for most of the day. If you are trying to limit your food intake to a dangerously low level every day, you might be suffering from anorexia.


Some people who have issues with eating will likely want to look normal in front of their friends. When they are alone, they might finally find the time to get rid of the food they consumed. Bulimia refers to those people who eat food and try their best to purge them from their bodies. Forced vomiting and taking laxatives are some of the most common ways to get rid of their food intake. The eating disorder can be unhealthy for your body, which is why you should consider signing up for a bulimia recovery program.

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

The first three eating disorders are often for people who still like to feed on meals. However, you will find that there are a few who do not express any interest in food at all. Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder can make you feel off about specific characteristics like texture, odor, and taste of specific food.

You might try to avoid eating those that you do not like, which will develop until you limit everything you want to eat unhealthy meals. You might suffer from nutritional deficiencies if you let ARFID consume you.

Food is one of the most rewarding pleasures in life. However, some people encounter difficulties with eating. If you notice that you have an eating disorder, you must determine your case and find a way to win the battle over it.

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