wedding ring

5 Tips for Maintaining Your Wedding Ring

We all have that one piece of jewelry that we cherish the most above anything else. Because your yellow gold micro-pave wedding band is this type of jewelry, proper engagement ring care is a must. After all, it is a symbol of your undying love for one another. Now that it’s permanently fixed on your wedding finger, you’d always want to keep it as shiny as possible all the time. From all the things that you should do to the chemicals that you should avoid, here are a few tips to help you manage your wedding ring properly:

Get it insured  

One tip that an article from suggests is to ensure your jewelry. It’s one of the best ways to secure your financial investment in case it gets lost, damaged, or stolen. It’s also crucial to perform an appraisal every five years on your jewelry since the cost of diamonds and precious metal rises. Doing so will increase the insured value of your jewelry in case something happens to it.

Remove it when handwashing

Handwashing is a must, especially if you’re eating outside. Although it’s tempting to keep your ring while you’re lathering it up, doing so may eventually damage it in the future. There are ways of cleaning rings properly. Exposing your ring to soap while wearing it causes dead skin cells and soap residue to get stuck. Moreover, it may affect its sheen and lose its glow.

Learn to clean it properly

You need to learn how to clean your gold wedding ring adequately based on the stones that it has. You can clean plain gold rings with only soap and water, while gold rings with gemstones need to get soaked before toweling them dry.

Polish it

Use a jewelry polishing cloth to polish your gold ring thoroughly. Another option is to ask a jeweler to clean it for you. However, bear in mind that gold doesn’t need to get polished too often. That’s because the process involves using abrasive materials which can rub off the surface layer of your gold ring. Doing so will wear down your gold ring more quickly and cause it to lose its sheen.

Properly store it  

Gold jewelry in jewelry boxes

Like any other object made of gold, keeping your gold ring with other pieces of jewelry can make it prone to damage. It’s best to keep it  in a small pouch or in a separate jewelry box to keep it safe.

Avoid touching the center

Diamonds and other precious gemstones are magnets for dirt and skin oil. That’s why it’s best to avoid touching the center of your ring at all costs. If you’re planning to take it off or put it on, grab the band on either side of the stone itself.

Learning how to maintain your wedding ring properly is the best way to keep its natural shine for several years. After all, your ring is a symbol of your love and devotion to your partner as a married couple. Keeping it well-maintained is like taking care of all the memories that you’ve had for several years.

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