Horse race track

Consider These 4 Things When Buying Used Tack

If you ride horses, then you’re most likely familiar with a horse tack. For those who don’t know, tack basically refers to the equipment or accessories that are attached to horses. These include harnesses, saddles, bridles, stirrups, and breastplates.

If you need to buy tack but your budget just won’t allow it, then you might want to take a secondhand. Before anything else, though, let’s discuss what you need to remember when buying headstalls, Callaway ropes, stirrups, saddles, or any other thing you might need.

Bring Your Old Tack

If you’re planning on getting secondhand tack and feel like you got a good deal, then go ahead and grab the old tack you have at home so you can use it as a reference. This is to be sure you’ll get the same exact size because if not, then you’re just wasting your money.

Get a tack that’s almost the same as what you have and make sure that this new piece (even if it’s secondhand) will perform better than your old one.

Inspect the Leather Goods

If you find some good leather, then consider yourself lucky. Before rushing to the counter and paying for it, however, make sure to inspect it properly and see to it that there are no cracks or folds. Unfold all of the folds you see on the tack and make sure they’ll not crack. If they do, then this means that the leather has been compromised.

Another thing to inspect is the stitching. Get one that still has intact stitching and is still in good condition. If the stitching seems to be messed up, then let it go and look for another usable item.

Avoid Compromising the Sizes

As mentioned, the size is everything when it comes to tack. Don’t compromise the size just because you think you got yourself a great deal. Your money will only go to waste and you most likely won’t be able to use the tack anyway, so it wouldn’t do you any good.

If you’re not sure of the sizing, then ask the seller about their return policies. If they say that you can return it with a refund, then go ahead and take it home. If not, then take it right back to the store.

Bring a List of What You Need

Woman grooming horse

It can get overwhelming when shopping for tack and sometimes, you just get carried away. Make sure to create a list of what you need before leaving the house. If you want, create a list of what you need and want, but have them in separate columns so you can decide whether you’ll get it or not once you’re in the store. If you have a few coins or dollars left in your budget and you really want an item, then go ahead and get it.

Avoid buying stuff such as brushes and other grooming tools, as infections and illnesses can be transmitted from one horse to another. You definitely only want what’s best for your horse, and when it comes to grooming, buying new items is a must.

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